About Us

Founded in 1970, Securesearch Inc., has been producing security training  products of the highest quality and reliability for more than 4 decades. Our products are in a class of their own and stand the test of time. Today more than 80% of the products we manufacture and distribute are still in use by end purchasers and come with a lifetime warranty.

Our Canine Scent Detection Aids have been heavily tested and are in wide use by security training agencies at such locations as military installations, airports, customs offices, border patrols, search and rescue operations, bomb and terrorist threat training centres and organizations and numerous private security agencies. Our K9 Microtrace Marker Pens were developed and trademarked in 1995.

When you purchase a product from Securesearch Inc., you are purchasing a quality product that has a full warranty and complete customer service realiability.

People’s Lives Have Depended On The Realism, Accuracy and Quality Of Our Inert Security Training Products Since 1970.

We are located at:

Securesearch Inc.,
PO BOX 91175
2901 Bayview Avenue
Toronto ON M2K 2Y6

TOLL FREE PHONE OR FAX 1-800-452-3130

EMAIL: sales@caninedetectionaids.com

Securesearch Inc Webstore